

Fortunately, the brain like the body has the remarkable capacity to change. The branch of research referred to as Neuroscience has brought forth information that is fundamental to psychotherapy. The brain is no longer viewed as hardwired and is seen as ever-changing. Neurons (nerve cells) carry "messages" through an electrochemical process. It is estimated that the brain has 100 billion nerve cells. The brain can lay down new neural pathways as well as permit old ones to fade away. Through psychotherapy own can learn new patterns of understanding, reacting and responding.


Psychotherapy and Change

Neuroplasticity-PsychotherapyCurrent scientific research on the brain illustrates how therapy offers a unique opportunity for better health and happiness. Most importantly, data suggests that and our neural networks have the capacity to change their connections in response to new information and sensory stimulation. Neuroscience expands our understanding of the healthy brain and the resilience of human nature. Every psychotherapy client holds the potential to design a new life for themselves. Through the therapeutic process an individual gains the tools to rewire their brain. Identifying one's internal mental framework(self concept, inner dialogue, attitudes, denial, defences, patterns, reactions, etc) one can move from a place of unawareness to knowledge. Knowledge effects change. Your sessions here will enlighten you to the architecture of the mind and brain. Great thinkers and philosophers have long had a keen interest in human nature. Today, scientists and researchers continue to be fascinated by the mind. Your very happiness and success depends on understanding yourself, examining your strengths and weaknesses. Through this very exploration of the Self one is able to make the necessary changes to combat depression, anxiety, OCD and many other symptoms. Your mind is shaped by the very things that you choose to focus on and attend to. The human brain is continually altering its structure, cell number, circuitry and chemistry as a direct result of everything we do, experience, think and believe. How you interpret your experiences, the lens you see your world and your belief systems all influence your ability to enjoy life.

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